International & Multi-Cultural Night

at Einstein Elementary!

Thursday, February 27, 2025
:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Multi-Cultural Night is a free, fun-filled family event showcasing the taste and tour of the world's cultures and countries! We will have Einstein community representing their culture and/or country of origin by displaying arts, crafts and food along a culture performance.


Please join us in celebrating the diversity of our school!


Country/Culture Representation Tables: All evening (Sign up required)
Cultural Performances: 7:35 - 8:15 PM (Sign up required)
Cultural Attire Parade (Sing up Not required)

Countries/ Cultures Being Represented At Tables 

As of TODAY we have the following countries signed up:

Argentina 🇦🇷 

Colombia 🇨🇴 

Denmark 🇩🇰 

Germany 🇩🇪 

Iraq 🇮🇶 

Honduras 🇭🇳 

India 🇮🇳 

Japan 🇯🇵

Malta 🇲🇹 

Mexico 🇲🇽 

Palestine 🇵🇸 

Peru 🇵🇪 

Philippines 🇵🇭

Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 

Russia 🇷🇺 

Turkmenistan 🇹🇲 

Venezuela 🇻🇪 

If you don't see your country listed above, please sign up now!
(If there is any country listed more than once, we will get them in touch in case they'd like to coordinate)

Represent Your Culture or Country / Book a Table at Multicultural Night

Interested in representing a culture or country to the Einstein students, parents and community? Represent your culture or country by bringing, displaying and sharing food samples, posters, artifacts, maps, and/or activities! Please use the link below to reserve a table to represent your country of choice.

  • Each booth will be half of a cafeteria table. You may elect to coordinate with other booths from the same country or culture.
  • Booth setup will begin at 6:20pm and the event will run from 7-8:30pm.
  • Bringing food? We can't wait to try it! Please make sure to label allergens (meat, dairy, wheat, soy, egg, etc.) Due to nut allergies, food samples may not contain nuts.
  • We will provide food safe gloves. You may request an outlet or paper goods (see form below).


SignUp for Representing a Country

IMPORTANT: After signing up, please make sure to also fill out this FORM to let us know about the paper plates and cluttery you may need.

Represent your Culture in a Performance

We're looking for students to participate in a short performance on stage that highlights their culture in the form of song, dance, music, story or poetry recitation, or other. It can be solo or a group performance.

The stage will be a taped off area in front of the cafeteria. Please limit performances to 3 minutes so there is time for everyone to share. We will determine the schedule and communicate it ahead of the evening.


SignUp a Performance

IMPORTANT: After signing up, please make sure to also fill out this FORM to let us know about the performance and provide your music.



Volunteers are an essential part of this event, so please come help to make this fun and successful. Your help will make all the difference - we can't do this without you! We are looking for a few adults to help with setup and take down. 


Sign Up to Help during the Event 

All participants are welcome! Need special accommodations?
Please email:

Questions? Contact:

Albert Einstein Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.