Upcoming Events

Monday, June 24
Einstein Office Open until 4PM

Wednesday, August 14
Einstein Office ReOpens

August 26-30

Tuesday, September 3
First Day of School, Grades 1-5
PTSA renewal packet sent out

Wednesday, September 4
School lets out at 3:50

Wednesday, September 11

First Day of 1.5 Hour Early Release Wednesday

Thank you for an amazing year!

Thank you to every member of the PTSA for everything you did for the Einstein Community this year!  As a community we were able to provide some fantastic opportunities and experiences for the Einstein students.  We were also able to support the Einstein Staff who do so much for the students everyday.  Thank you!!
This was a very busy year for the PTSA at Einstein! Here is a list of just some of the events and programs our amazing community of families, students, and staff pulled together this year in no particular order:

Family Events:
- Ice Cream Night
- Trunk or Treat
- Winter Wonderland Bazaar
- Movie Night
- Multicultural Night
- Día de los Niños – Dance Night

Funded / Sponsored:
- Buses for all fieldtrips
- Teacher Grants
- Green Team
- Choir Program
- Student Council
- Lunch Buddies Program
- Emergency Preparedness supplies
- Nature Vision Program

- Math Challenge
- Math Club & Math Tournament
- Spelling Bee

Fun Run (raised over $26,000)

Student Activities:

- After School Programs (3 sessions through the year, over 100 kids took PTSA classes in the spring session alone)
- School Play: “Purrlie’s Mission to the Milky Way”

Supporting our staff:
- New piano for music classes
- New mat for the gym
- Mini fridge for nursing room
- Got a big list of books for our library

- Art Docent program
- Einstein Art Walk
- Reflections art program at Einstein

Staff Appreciation:
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Fall Potluck
- Pi Day

Egg Drop

This is the last edition of Ottermail for 2023-2024 school year. For families, friends, staff and students that are leaving Einstein, we are sad to say goodbye but wish you the very best in your new schools! For graduating 5th graders, you are all gems and will be missed! For incoming Otters, we look forward to know you next year!

We hope you have considered Ottermail to be a valuable part of the way you receive school information. Please keep an eye out over the summer for email communications about PTSA and school start-up information. You can also visit einsteinptsa.org for information about our organization and events for the next school year.

 Have a great and safe summer!

Outstanding Einstein Volunteer Awards

GOLDEN ACORN AWARD: The highest honor given each year for someone who has gone the extra mile and given service to the school and community. (This is a Washington State PTA award.) 

Awarded to  Danielle Koberstein, PTSA Co VP of Student Activities
Danielle has dedicated hours of her time to Einstein Elementary over the past several years. One of her many contributions is bringing a drama program to Einstein, producing both Robin Hood and Purrlie's Mission to the Milky Way.  She worked so hard behind the scenes to make them both a success. She has also poured so much of her time into serving on the PTSA, first as secretary and currently as co-VP of student activities. You can also always count on her to volunteer in the classroom or teach art docent lessons. She has been an amazing volunteer. Beyond Einstein, she volunteers her time at the middle school, high school and within the local community. 

EINSTEIN AWARD: Given to an individual showing outstanding dedication in serving the needs of the Einstein students. 

Awarded to Carlos Lence, 5th Grade Teacher, Dual Language
Mr. Lence has shown flexibility, hard work, and a commitment to the Einstein vision for the dual language program. He is thoughtful to the needs of all his students and creates a joyful atmosphere for learning. It is hard to find a teacher like him. Sr. Lence had a challenging year learning to organize the Student Council with Mrs. Johnson. He also had to go from teaching 25 kids to 50 kids in the middle of the year. On top of all of that, he planned the 5th grade camp with Mrs. Potts, where he showed his love and care for all the students and every single need they had. He really went the extra mile this year. 

OTTER AWARD: Our “spirit” award, given to the creative, energizing people going out of their way to serve in our school.

Awarded to Grace Bach
Grace has not only been an amazing help to our school's Green Team but has been an amazing part of the PTSA in almost every single event. She is always giving great ideas and making things happen. Grace has been persistent in making things happen at Einstein. Her vision and commitment have led to progress on the garden for complex learners, the piano for Ms. Lindgren, and many other tasks. Grace has been a significant help to the Einstein community. 

After School Student Activities for 2024-2025
We still need one last person to help run the after school student activities for next year.  One parent has kindly volunteered but it is a two person job.  The scope of activities offered to students will be very limited if another person does not step up.  Please email president@einsteinptsa.org with questions.  

Add Your Matching Hours

If your company matches volunteer hours, and you helped at Einstein this year, please submit your time to your company.  There have been many events such as the Egg Drop, Field Day, Art Docent, Fieldtrips ..... and so many parents have generously donated their time.  The PTSA relies on Corporate matching hours for much of our budget.   


Need To Be Removed From PTSA Mailing List?

If your student will not be attending Einstein Elementary next year and you no longer want to receive email from Einstein PTSA after the last Ottermail issue, you can easily remove your email address and those of your family members by visiting the PTSA My Account website. Please visit Remove From EIN PTSA Mailing List website for detailed instructions

If you prefer to have your account completely deleted from the PTSA website in addition, please send a deletion request to communications@einsteinptsa.org. Please note that account deletion will be completed after July 31 and it will permanently remove all orders, payment history and account lookup capabilities for that account.

PTSA Positions for the 2024-2025 School Year

  The following people have kindly offered to volunteer on the Einstein PTSA Board for next year:

Co Presidents: Leslie Boyce and Brooke Gialopsos
Secretary: Celine Mehaffey
Treasurer: Allyson Stark
VP Volunteers: Kelly O'Brien and Holly Hall
VP Membership: Aspen White
Co VP Family Events: Marcela Valdés and Giselle Giosa
VP Fundraising: Patricia Hoyos
VP Communications: Grace Bach
VP Enrichment: Karthik Balasubramanian
VP Student Activities: We still need one more person for this position.  It is a two person job. 

Get Approved Now for Fall Volunteer Opportunities

Next fall we will have a bunch of fun opportunities to help at the school and see your awesome kid in action.  PARENTS CANNOT VOLUNTEER AT SCHOOL IF THEY ARE NOT APPROVED THROUGH LWSD. This is for everyone's safety.  If you are not approved we have to turn you away from the event.  

Completing the application is free and easy! You can do it from your phone.   
It can take a few weeks for the district to process the application so do it now before you get busy with the rest of your life.  

Click Here to start the application.

Contact Chris Robison, Volunteer Program Supervisor, crobison@lwsd.org ,425-936-1270 with questions.



Albert Einstein Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.