Highlights from the Fun Run
We’ve created an infographic to highlight the achievements of the Fun Run.
Looking Forward!
We are already excited about next year's Fun Run and hope to see even more participation.
Together, we can continue to make a positive impact on our school and community.
Thank you once again for your incredible support!




Our Biggest Fundraiser of the year!


Students run on the "Fun Run Day" to raise funds for PTSA programs such as Nature Vision, Art Docent, Family Events, Science Expo, the Choir Program, Emergency Preparedness, Battle of the Books and Student Council.  See this flyer for more information.

They solicit flat donations from sponsors like you.  Einstein Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)3 and your donation is tax deductible.

After submitting your donation via the website, you will receive an email receipt.  If you have donated via check or need a separate receipt, please reach out to fundraising@einsteinptsa.org.

Thank you for supporting Einstein Elementary PTSA!


We would like to thank our generous 2023 - 2024 Otters Fun Run sponsors.

They provided the momentum to get us off to a running start with this fundraiser! 


Gold Level Sponsors: 




Silver Level Sponsors:




                                                           VOLUNTEER for the Next Fun Run!


We always look for volunteers, please note that you will not be able to volunteer at school until you complete the LWSD Volunteer Approval Proces, please go to this "LINK"   to apply for you volunteer background check.

If you are unsure of your LWSD volunteer status, you can log into "the Raptor Volunteer Portal" to verify. Questions? Please contact: volunteers@einsteinptsa.org


Check out the open roles to volunteer

at the Fun Run Event:




                                                             HOW ELSE COULD YOU HELP?

It's easy. You can make a donation online through this website, see the links below, or you can contact fundraising@einsteinptsa.org. to make a donation in person. Any amount, large or small, is greatly appreciated and will directly contribute to the success of our school and our students.




Thank you in advance for your generosity and continued support. Together, we can make a huge difference for our school community!

See you at the starting line!

Kind regards!

Patricia Hoyos, VP Fundraising & Committee.


Albert Einstein Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.