2024 Fall Session - PTSA Student Activities

Registration Closed


 Please email studentactivities@einsteinptsa.org if you have any questions

Classes Start: September 23, 2024
Classes End: December 20, 2024

Registration Instructions
Registration takes place on the Einstein PTSA website only. Classes are filled on a first-come, first served basis, and payment must be received for registration to be confirmed. There will be a waitlist for each class once it is filled. 

Policies and Procedures
Please be sure to read through all of our Student Activities Policies and Procedures before registering your child.

Refund Policy
Refunds are based on when the cancellation is received. Cancellations requests received:
• On or before September 23: cancellations will receive a full refund
• On or After September 23: cancellation refunds will be issued at the discretion of the vendor at the vendor's rate
• There are no refunds for missed classes. Cancelled classes will only be made up if possible.


Our PTSA insurance policy states that in order to run our programs, at least one PTSA member, who is approved by the school district to volunteer, must be present in each class. Parents or guardians are asked to fulfill this requirement for a minimum of one class day per session per child. Please note that each parent may be required to chaperone more than one class, depending on enrollment. At the end of the registration process, "SignUp Genius" links will be provided to schedule chaperones for each class. Chaperones must:

- Be at least 18 years old.
- Be or become an Einstein PTSA member for the current school year.
- Be or become LWSD background-check approved (Links open in new window) 

A parent who is able to chaperone for all weeks of an activity (permanent chaperone) will receive FREE tuition for one child. (Some restrictions may apply.) You must contact studentactivities@einsteinptsa.org to apply. Parents who are able to share chaperone duties with one other permanent chaperone for all weeks of an activity, both of them will qualify for 50% DISCOUNTED tuition for one child (some restrictions may apply.) You must contact studentactivities@einsteinptsa.org to apply.

Please note: Preference will be given to permanent chaperones. Tuition reductions will be reimbursed at the end of the Student Activities session, upon successful completion of chaperone duties.

Class Schedule (TENTATIVE)


Mondays Tuesdays Wednesdays Thursdays Fridays

Soccer Skills 

Grades 3-5

(EIN Gym)



Adventures in STEM with Lego

Grades K-2


(A Wing)

Soccer Skills

Grades K-2

(EIN Gym)





Grades K-5

(EIN Gym)




Grades K-5​

(EIN Gym)​



Music Ukulele

Grades 3-5

(EIN Libary)


Challenge Island

K-2 and 3-5 Sections

(EIN Gym)




Grades K-3

(A wing)​​




All students are welcome. If you need special accommodations, please email: advocacy@einsteinptsa.org.

Class Descriptions

Soccer Skills

Total Control Soccer training is committed to providing children with the tools they need to succeed both on and off the soccer field. With a focus on skill development, character building, and a passion for the game, we aim to inspire the next generation of soccer stars while promoting values of teamwork, dedication, and sportsmanship.
Instructor: Ryan Pfeifer; Total Control Soccer
Location: Einstein Gym


Mondays, 4-5:00pm for  grade 3-5

Parent Permanent Chaperone: Ahsan Naseer

Dates: September 23 - December 16

**No class on November 11 -- – Veterans Day **

Fee: $308 

12 classes


Tuesdays, 4-5:00pm for  grade K-2

Parent Permanent Chaperone: 

Dates: September 24 - December 17

Fee: $308

13 classes



Adventures in STEM with Legos

Ratchet up your imagination with tens of thousands of LEGO® parts! Build engineer-designed projects such as: Space Stations, Fire Trucks, and the Eiffel Tower. Design and build as never before and explore your craziest ideas. Students may be working in groups with their classmates. 

Instructor:  Play Well TEKnologies: Danielle Leider and Tali-Anne Mason

Permanent Parent Chaperone: 

Location: A Wing; Grades K-2

Mondays, 4:00-5:30pm

Dates: September 23 - December 16

**No class on November 11 -- – Veterans Day **

Fee: $250

12 classes


Art by Creart Studioz

Embark on a journey into the realm of imagination this season with a range of exciting projects: from spooky silhouettes and 3D Picasso faces to clay monsters and Tim Burton inspired portraits. Explore the rich culture of Mexico, master figure drawing, and delve into the fundamentals of one-point perspective. Join us for a fun and educational artistic adventure!

Instructor:  Fatima Saeed 

Permanent Parent Chaperone: 

Location: Einstein Gym; Grades K-5

Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm 

Dates: September 25 - December 4

Fee: $274

10 classes


Music Ukulele

Ukulele 101.

Students will learn the basics of ukulele in an interactive group setting. Starting with the fundamentals of ukulele and music theory, students will learn everything they need to start playing songs quickly. Students will learn and play together in a team-like atmosphere, motivating and encouraging each other to practice and perform.

Bach to Rock

Permanent Parent Chaperone: 

Location: Einstein Libary

Thursdays 4:00-5:00

Dates: September 26 - December 19

Fee: $476.00

12 classes



Participants will learn strategies and practice game play with similar leveled peers. Students may be working in groups with classmates. Instructor Tim requests that all students know piece movement prior to joining the class. 

Instructor:  Tim Campbell

Parent Permanent Chaperone: 

Location: Einstein Gym; Grades K-5

Thursdays 4-5:00pm 

Dates: September 26 - December 19

**No class November 26  - Thanksgiving Vacation**

Fee: $224

12 classes


Challenge Island

If you believe that excessive use of digital devices has stifled imagination, focus, problem solving and communication skills in children. If you are looking for opportunities that motivate your kids to think and solve problems, rather than simply react to digital prompts on a screen. And if you want your kids to feel the joy of communicating with their peers by looking at each other's faces rather than speaking in emojis; and the sense of accomplishment that comes from inventing new solutions to STEAM challenges, welcome to Challenge Island (CI). Students will be working in groups with their classmates.


Instructors: Gwen Swanson and Karen Russell

Location: Einstein Gym; Grades K-2 and 3-5 (sections divided by grade)

Permanent Parent Chaperone for K-2: 

Permanent Parent Chaperone for 3-5: 

Fridays 4-5:00pm 

Dates: September 27 - December 20

**No class October 18 - LEAP Day**

**No class November 27  - Thanksgiving Vacation**

Fee: $258

11 classes


Hip Hop Dance

Hip Hop dance uplifts, unites, and empowers children. Musicality, rhythm, and creative movement are key components of this fun, urban/street-style dance class that teaches boys and girls alike to step, stomp, and shake it out.
Instructor: DuKane Studios: Natalie DuKane
Permanent Parent Chaperone: 

Location: Einstein A-Wing, Grades K-3

Fridays 4-5:00pm 

**No class October 18 - LEAP Day**

**No class November 27  - Thanksgiving Vacation**

Dates: September 27 - December 20

Fee: $248

11 classes

Albert Einstein Elementary PTSA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.