The Science Expo is coming up on Friday, March 21st, 2025 from 6:00-8:00 pm! All students grades K-5 are invited to attend and participate. The purpose of the Expo is to promote interest, enthusiasm, and creativity in the field of science. Please see below for everything you need to know!
What is the Science Expo?
The Science Expo is a chance for students to present a science project. The project can either be an experiment that a student conducts using the scientific method or a research project or collection based on a scientific topic. The Science Expo is also a fun-filled, family event that will include browsing student displays, hands-on science experiments/activities, outside organizations/demonstrators, and a Living Wax Museum of Scientists featuring some of Einstein’s 4th and 5th grade students. Everyone is invited to attend!
Where will the Science Expo be held?
The Expo will be held in the Einstein gym and Commons. The Wax Museum will be held in the library.
Is doing an experiment or research project for the Expo required?
No! Completing an experiment or research project is a great way for students to study something they're excited about, but is optional. All students and families are welcome to attend the Expo on March 21st, enjoy the demonstrations and experiments, and be inspired by their classmates' scientific learning!
What is an “Experiment” science project?
A student completing an experiment will follow the scientific method/process, which starts with a question. The student would then include photographs and written material about each step of their experiment’s process on their display board. Please see below for more information on the scientific method/process and examples of experiment science projects.
Example of Experiment Poster
What is the scientific method/process?
These documents will help guide you through the scientific method/process. They also contain examples of display boards.
The Scientific Method- All Grades (En Español)
The Scientific Method- More In-Depth for Grades 3-5 (Optional) (En Español)
Check out these websites for more information on the scientific method:
What is a “Research Project?”
A student completing a research project will show facts learned regarding a scientific topic on their display board.
Research Project Process (En Español)
What are the guidelines for all experiment and research project display boards?
Everything must be attached to the board! Please DO NOT include loose materials or set materials in front of the board for safety reasons. Photos of the experiment’s steps or research topic can be attached to the board for the audience to observe. Here are some more specific guidelines:
Can my child complete their science project in Spanish?
YES! We encourage all students that would like to complete their project in Spanish to do so.
How is the Science Expo different from a Science Fair?
A science fair has a set of rules and processes that are judged and awarded at various levels. At Einstein, we have an Expo that leans on students demonstrating their learning. It is important to emphasize that students are not competing with each other. This is an Expo, not a judged Science Fair. Every participant will be recognized for their work with a ribbon. It is the learning experience that is the most important feature of the Science Expo.
How can my student participate with a display board?
Einstein students are welcome to submit a scientific tri-fold board that will be displayed at the event. This is not mandatory and not required to attend the event. Students can submit an experiment board or a display of scientific research.
What grades can submit a display board?
ALL Einstein students are encouraged to participate!
How do I get a display board for my student?
If your student plans to complete a project for the Expo, tri-fold display boards and Expo sign-ups will be available in the library from 9:00-9:15 am and 3:50-4:00 pm, the week of February 24th-28th. Tri-fold display boards will be provided AT NO COST. It is ok to choose a project after signing up. If you are planning to provide your student’s display board (available at office supply stores), please email scienceexpo@einsteinptsa.org to sign up.
When does my student bring their display board and when do they take it home?
Display boards are brought to school the morning of the Expo, Friday, March 21st. The boards will be put on display by volunteers. Every entry receives a ribbon of participation. The board can be brought home when your family leaves the Expo that night or the next school day.
Does my student have to stand by their board and present their learning or experiment?
No, students are encouraged to view other display boards and enjoy the interactive exhibits at the Expo. Students will not be demonstrating live experiments or talking about their learning. All aspects of a student’s project should be displayed on the board.
Can my student bring models, collections, or experiment materials that were used for their project?
The only item allowed at the Expo is the tri-fold board. Everything should be attached to the board.
What are some examples of science projects?
Check out the linked documents above for examples of experiment projects and research projects! There are also a lot of great ideas online or at the library.
What is the Wax Museum?
This is an optional extracurricular activity offered to our 4th and 5th graders. The students will work with Mrs. Johnson to research a famous scientist. On the night of the Expo, students will be dressed as a scientist and speak in first person as they share the information that they learned about that scientist. Please contact Mrs. Johnson for more information (lkjohnson@lwsd.org).
Students in the Living Wax Museum
Can I volunteer at the Expo?
This event cannot happen without volunteers! Your help is very much appreciated in many different areas. Volunteer sign-ups will be available soon!
Please email scienceexpo@einsteinptsa.org if you have any questions.